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A fun and unique indoor children’s playground game, designed by Amusement Logic. Ideal for installing in games areas, leisure centres and kids’ indoor playgrounds.

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The Cloudland game consists of a fun and random cloud of spheres, which are threaded at different heights on a matrix of tensed ropes. Children can enjoy inventing a multitude of routes in a three-dimensional and multicolour space.

Designed to enhance balance and psychomotor skills, the Cloudland play structure allows the creation of different paths though colour-coding that indicates the levels of difficulty.


Dimensions (length x width x height): 9.30 x 9.30 x 4.4 m

Minimum space (floor area of apparatus with the required size of the impact area): 10.3 x 10.3 m

Recommended user age for the play element: 5-9 years

Maximum capacity: 30 users

Free fall height: 2.5 m

The apparatus complies with Standard UNE-EN 1176. 

The play structure can be supplied in the colours that best suit the client’s project.

For further information and to request a quote, please contact us by clicking here.