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In the world of waterparks, amusement and adventure parks, new emotions are always sought as are innovative ways to surprise users. With this objective in mind, we present the SplashTrack, an overhead track that incorporates the challenge of water and the choice of courses through the use of new technologies.

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Users access it with a safety harness that allows the free use of both hands and enables them to balance and jump from one platform to another safely, but without losing the challenge and excitement of overcoming obstacles. In fact, users themselves can choose from several routes with different degrees of difficulty. In addition, the adventure routes are bi-directional thanks to an intelligent system of traffic lights that regulates access. The result is great autonomy for the adventurers and the reduction of supervisors to guide them. 

In addition, the route passes over a SplashPad, with various slides, jets and other water features for kids, providing refreshing fun for both those on the ground and those flying over them.

The SplashTrack can be custom-configured in various ways and different sizes, according to space availability and project requirements. In addition, it offers numerous options for the game elements that make it up, as well as infinite theming possibilities. The minimum space required for creating an interesting route is around 2,000 m2.

To extend its operating season, the SplashTrack can also be used without water during winter months. To find out more, or if you would like to incorporate a SplashTrack into your park, please contact us by clicking here.